February 17, 2015

It's Cuter in Coral

I love bright colors. So when I looked in my closet today and realized that 80% of all my clothes are either black, grey, or navy, I knew it was time for a change. Spring is coming up fast (though with 6 feet of snow piling up outside my door, I think I'll be wearing boots until June) so I've decided I'm done with dark and dreary colors. First on my list of colors I'll be wearing is coral. Although it is a loud color, it's also a neutral as it can go with almost anything. From sweaters to shoes, a vibrant pop of coral adds character to your outfit and can really bring out your sense of style. Shopping around lately, I've noticed that there is no shortage of coral in my favorite stores which makes me even more excited for warmer weather.

Join me on my quest for a more cheerful wardrobe?

Preppy by the Sea 

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