February 06, 2014

"Thoughts For Thursday"

 After blogging for eight months now, I thought that we should have something unique on Preppy by the Sea. Our blog has been mostly fashion related, however there have been occasional Polyvores and other types of posts. Thoughts for Thursday is going to add something creative to the weekly posts! Every Thursday this post will be random, maybe some Pintrest finds, quotes, recipes, DIY projects or advice. We are very excited about this, so please let us know what your thoughts are!

This week I have found myself doing lots of pinning (no surprise there), so here are a few things that stood out to me! I think that each on of these quotes are important and motivational to be the best version of yourself.

Trying to be perfect is stressful, we are human and we ALL make mistakes. I believe that if you put your best effort into anything you will be satisfied with yourself. Don't get me wrong I like things to be neat and organized but perfection is a very high standard.  Carrying yourself with grace is such a confidence booster that will make you feel good about yourself and appreciated by others. 

Be Happy. Be Bright. Be You. 
I love this arrangement, every morning when you go to put your jewelry on, you will be reminded of 6 important words that will brighten your day. It is so important to stay true to yourself and just be happy, life is so much better when you are happy! 

Would and inspirational post be complete without the wise words of Blair Waldorf? Don't wait for things to come to you, take a stand and go after what you want. There is no fun in sitting around and waiting, find something that interests you and go for it! 

If you find something you want us to share or just something that inspires you, use #ThoughtsForThursday on Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest! 

Happy Thursday!

Preppy by the Sea 

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