December 18, 2017

Gift Guide: Under $25

With just one week left until Christmas, I am finally starting to finalize my shopping. Being a college student on a budget, I think that the $25 and under gift guide is my favorite to write and to read on other blogs. Despite the low budget, I was able to find so many fun gifts, many of which look more than $25. Whether you have a beauty guru on your hands, a jewelry lover, or want to give something cozy, this gift guide has something for everyone! Also, if you have a yankee swap or secret Santa coming up that is on a budget, hopefully this will help you brainstorm!


Preppy by the Sea 

1 comment :

  1. These are such great gifts! I'd love a tote bag to carry all my stuff around in. What Do You Meme? looks like so much fun. I'd love to play with my friends.
