September 17, 2015

Kick the Stress

As I've matured through high school, I've definitely gotten a grip on my stress level. If you talked to me freshman year, I guarantee you could tell after a 5 second conversation that I was a total ball of stress. I attribute a lot of my success in becoming a more balanced and level-headed student to just getting a better feel for high school in general. Adapting the attitude that falls under the category of "don't sweat the small stuff" has helped me a lot, and I don't find myself stressed much at all anymore unless I have an important deadline to meet. I just remind myself that things have a way or working out and all the work I need to get done, will get done. The other thing that has helped me is to just take sensory breaks, relax, laugh, and not get too caught up with school, sports, etc. I've compiled a list of things that help me take my mind off stressful subjects. I get how hard the beginning of the school year can be (AP U.S. History may or may not be the death of me...stay tuned as time will tell), yet I guarantee if you try just 1 of these things, you will feel better.

1. I've found that just getting out of the house and getting a tea or coffee makes me feel refreshed.

2. I watch this video on a regular basis and it never fails to make me laugh. I've made all of my friends watch it and they agree its hysterical. If you're into lip-sync battles, or even if you aren't, please don't miss out!

3. Try going for a run or just exercising in general. It's no lie that you feel better after working out, and it's certainly a productive break. 

4. Make cookies or your favorite quick snack. I realize this contradicts my previous point, but sometimes you just need some comfort food. I'm a firm believer a chocolate chip cookie can go a long way. I literally just made up that saying, but I think it works, right? I mean, there is literally nothing tastier than these.

5. Many of you probably realize that I'm a die hard Taylor Swift fan by now and am 100% obsessed with her 1989 album...still. The Wildest Dreams video is in my opinion her best yet, and it totally brings me away from the real world for 4 minutes.

6. I think taking nap during the school week can be really refreshing as long as you don't oversleep. After I take a nap, I always wakeup feeling like I can power through my homework.

7. To continue the YouTube trend, I've been really liking Karlie Kloss's YouTube channel "Klossy". I think she's a really great role-model and I watch her videos regularly.

8. Last but certainly not least, why not catch up with a few of your favorite blogs? Get some cool DIY ideas that you can look forward to when you finally have free-time, and proceed by speeding through the work you have to do. I've been loving Kelly in the City  and her sub-blog "Little Home in the City" as of recent. 

Hope this helps!

Preppy by the Sea


  1. Love this! I have been feeling super stressed lately because the amount of work in college is unbearable! I usually go for runs when I am stressed! x,kenz

  2. Julianna, I love these tips!! Thank you so much for sharing! Currently checking out the YouTube videos you linked.

    XOXO Paulina
