January 06, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy first week of 2017! Coming back to reality after a long and relaxing vacation is always a little bit of a shock, but thankfully the four day week helped me ease into it. We have two weeks until mid year exams at my school, so I have a feeling my life is going to get crazy busy soon. This year is honestly flying by, I can't believe I am almost a second semester senior.  

One: Vermont
I had such a great time in Vermont over New Years Weekend. We had a couple of snowstorms so the skiing was great and the temperatures were bearable, something that doesn't happen all the time in Vermont. My NYE was super casual (hence no outfit post), we went to the mountain to watch the fireworks and then spent the rest of the night with friends to ring in the new year! 

Two: Working Out 
After a long month of eating christmas cookies, and a week off from any real workout (besides skiing) I am happy to be back at the gym and spinning classes. 2016 was a pretty good year workout wise for me and I want to keep it up in 2017, especially once I get to college. 

Three: Cleansing
My friends and I are all doing a 2 week cleanse to kick off the new year. I'm pretty much paleo with a few exceptions (milk in my coffee, rice cakes, and steel cut oatmeal). So far it has been going pretty well, the first day was not great but I'm hoping it's all uphill from here. I was convinced that I would miss dessert/sweets the most but bread is definitely my number one craving. Have you done anything like this? 


Preppy by the Sea 

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