One of my goals for 2016 was to be healthier in all aspects of my life. I'll just start this post out saying that in no way am I some super unhealthy person. In fact, I would consider myself very active and eat well majority of the time. However, at the beginning of the summer my shorts were a little bit tight, still wearable, just not my preferred fit. I have quite the sweet tooth and right when school got out I found myself going out to ice cream quite frequently, after all is there anything better than a cone of black raspberry on a hot day? I never owned a scale until this year, so my life has never revolved around a specific number for weight, I know my body and when I feel healthy and when I need to step up my workout routine. So at the beginning of July I started my cross country summer training and started to lay off on the sugary treats. I did not focus too much on my routine, I just lived my life the way I would any time. At the end of the summer I came home from the Cape and stepped on the scale and was surprised to see I had lost about 8 pounds. I don't have a six pack nor could I run a marathon, but I feel healthy and refreshed.
This post is not something that I would typically write, however I think that it is important to let people know that all you need to do to achieve a point at which you "feel good" is live a healthy life. This does not mean cutting out your favorite treats and snacks (is it even possible to give up cookies and candy!?) , or exercising all the time. This post is not at all about losing weight through dieting or some extensive plan, it's about finding balance and living healthy. I am lucky enough to have never struggled with weight issues and feel very confident in my own skin, however there are so many girls out there that do. Clearly I am no expert here, however I strongly believe that if you eat three well balanced meals, don't snack excessively, and have a workout routine that you enjoy, you can feel good about yourself on the inside and out. Everyone is different and has a different routine that works for them. Have you found a routine that works for you and your busy schedule to stay healthy?
Preppy by the Sea
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