Happy New Year's Eve! Somehow we have reached the last day of 2015. This year absolutely flew by and was filled with so many wonderful memories. Watching the blog grow has been so exciting. Our consistency dramatically improved, along with the content of the posts. With lots of new camera equipment between the two of us, we are looking forward to enriching the quality of the blog. Reading comments and interacting with other bloggers is such a wonderful benefit of blogging that I don't think we completely appreciated when we first started Preppy by the Sea, and in 2016 we hope to continue to expand our connections within the community.
From a personal perspective, we both have grown tremendously within the past year. Experimenting with new trends has enabled us to truly discover our own personal style that may be slightly different that the content initially published in 2013. Majority of our posts do not go into depth about our personal lives, however I think that sharing some of that would be a nice change to see int he upcoming year. We incorporated a few pictures snapped with friends throughout the year, to give a small glimpse into our everyday lives. Our group of friends has become more close-knit in the past year. We have been lucky enough to get to go on lots of adventures together this summer and on the weekends and look forward to everything that the last year and a half of high school has to offer.
So, I guess that's a wrap for 2015. Before you start to think about New Year's resolutions, if you start to think about them (I'm not the biggest fan), make sure to take a minute to reflect on this past year... the good, the bad, and the ugly. 2016 is going to be a big year, get ready!
Catherine and Julianna
Preppy by the Sea